One of the tragedies of life on planet earth is having a young, vibrant spirit trapped in an aging body. The last year and a half or so of her life Charlotte had to go into a nursing home.
I went to see her every Sunday afternoon and take her out for a ride. I’d figure out long routes that looped all around south Fulton, Douglas, Fayette, Coweta and Spalding counties. We’d try to find some place good to eat before heading home, but she didn’t eat much. Sometimes our dinner was crackers and a coke at a gas station, then just keep riding. On several of our last rides together we ended up at the Krystal in Griffin. She loved Krystals. After several months, the rides had to end and we’d just sit in her room and visit.
One Sunday not long after the rides had ended, Bill and I were coming home from church in the Pontiac. We were sitting at the stop sign at Lester Road waiting to turn left onto Hwy. 92. An elderly woman on her way to pick up a friend at Christian City for lunch was turning off Hwy. 92 and onto Lester Road. Instead of turning into her lane, she turned into our lane and right into the car. The damage was only cosmetic, but the car was 15 years old. So, of course, the insurance company totaled it.
All this time I had thought that God had given me a car. But it hadn’t been for me. It had been for Charlotte. And she didn’t need it anymore. And with that, a chapter in my life closed.
Charlotte passed away in the spring of 2014. She was 90.
One of our running arguments over all our years together was which one of us God was using to bless the other. We came to the conclusion that whenever He brings someone into your life to bless you, the blessings run both directions.
So here I am, a year into a new chapter of my life. Enjoying my website and all the wonderful blessings and opportunities it has opened up for me.
And wondering, Who is it really for?
I don’t know. Perhaps I’ll never know.
God’s busy at His job of redemption, orchestrating the whole universe and history right down to the tiniest details in our individual lives. One day we’ll understand it better.
I’ll stay busy at my job ... writing and drawing, taking it one day at a time ...
There’s work to be done!
Because – blessed, lucky me! – I have a dancing website!
Love God, love others, keep that zest for life in your heart and soul and let it shine ...
When you're old, you'll have someone who needs that knocking on your door and begging to take you on rides!
- Sherry A Mitcham